Friday, August 10, 2012

Balancing act

Oftentimes when riding or walking around town you will see bicycles transporting various items, ranging from baskets, fire wood, chickens or even live goats. Mind you, the goats are attached on a narrow plank, which is then attached to the bike.
This morning I saw what appeared to be the heaviest load I'd seen being moved on a bike. This guy had bravely ( or foolishly) strapped 4 super heavy charcoal bags to the back of his bike. His load was so heavy as well as extremely unstable that he couldn't ride the bike and was pushing it instead. Je also managed to slow down traffic as cars could not see what was directly coming and has to swerve around him.
That's the way a lot of goods are transported within a city, village or even between close- by villages. The bicycle is THE most used mode of transportation in the country, for easily understandable reasons: a bike is rather inexpensive to purchase and to maintain, it doesn't require petrol or diesel (and we all know these can be hell to come by at times) and is easily kept inside the houses, away from a potential thief!
I will be on the lookout for more bikes transporting a variety of items to snap their pic and post them here!

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